Elastic Windows Event Explorer

Publisher - Microsoft-Windows-AppXDeployment-Server

Event ID 7403


%{ErrorCode}: Package runtime information %{FileName} contains unexpected data (address=%{HeaderAddr}, size=%{Size}, offset=%{Offset}, section=%{Section}, processid=%{ProcessId}). Reinstall the package to fix this issue.

Event Data:

# Name In Type
Out Type
1 FileName win:UnicodeString xs:string
2 ErrorCode win:HexInt32 win:HexInt32
3 Size win:UInt64 xs:unsignedLong
4 Offset win:UInt32 xs:unsignedInt
5 HeaderAddr win:Pointer win:HexInt64
6 Section win:UnicodeString xs:string
7 ProcessId win:UInt32 win:PID

Observed Windows Versions:

Version: 0

Fingerprint: CPN5MB4HJ75VC