Elastic Windows Event Explorer

Publisher - Microsoft-Windows-Bits-Client

Event ID 202


While transferring %{jobName}, BITS encountered error %{hr} using %{proxy} as the HTTP proxy server.  The web server or proxy server does not support an HTTP feature required by BITS.  This problem can only be corrected by the administrator of the web server or proxy server.  Details: {job: %{jobName}}, {owner: %{jobOwner}}, {jobId: %{jobId}}, {url: %{url}}, {xferId: %{xferId}}, {proxyServer: %{proxy}}, {hr: %{hr}}, {urlContentLength: %{fileLength}}, {urlHttpVersion: %{HTTPVersion}}, {urlRange: %{URLRange}}

Event Data:

# Name In Type
Out Type
1 jobName win:UnicodeString xs:string
2 jobOwner win:UnicodeString xs:string
3 jobId win:GUID xs:GUID
4 url win:UnicodeString xs:string
5 xferId win:GUID xs:GUID
6 proxy win:UnicodeString xs:string
7 hr win:UInt32 win:HexInt32
8 fileLength win:UInt64 xs:unsignedLong
9 HTTPVersion win:UnicodeString xs:string
10 URLRange win:UnicodeString xs:string

Observed Windows Versions:

Version: 0