The BITS peer transfer with the %{JobId} ID for the %{JobName} transfer job resulted in the following error: %{ErrorCode}.
# | Name | In Type |
Out Type |
1 | JobId | win:GUID | xs:GUID |
2 | JobName | win:UnicodeString | xs:string |
3 | url | win:UnicodeString | xs:string |
4 | ErrorCode | win:UInt32 | win:HexInt32 |
5 | ErrorContext | win:UInt8 | xs:unsignedByte |
6 | bytesTransferredFromPeer | win:UInt64 | xs:unsignedLong |
7 | PeerProtocolFlags | win:UInt64 | xs:unsignedLong |
Version: 0
Fingerprint: 3KVKNRQ25LS4K