Device Management Account CSP: An instance of the Device Management Account CSP was initialized for AccountUID: (%{Message1}), session's Enrollment ID: (%{Message2}), initialized account's Enrollment ID: (%{Message3}), number of segments: (%{UInt1}). Result: (%{HRESULT}).
# | Name | In Type |
Out Type |
1 | Message1 | win:UnicodeString | xs:string |
2 | Message2 | win:UnicodeString | xs:string |
3 | Message3 | win:UnicodeString | xs:string |
4 | UInt1 | win:UInt32 | win:HexInt32 |
5 | HRESULT | win:HexInt32 | win:Win32Error |
Version: 0
Fingerprint: VE7B6TGYQPVSK